Church of England

Special Services

Harvest Festival

imageWe warmly invite you to join us for All Age Harvest Festival celebrations on Sunday 6th October at Cox Green Community Centre at 10am.

All food gifts will be given to Maidenhead Foodshare.  They particularly need: fruit juice/squash, cooking sauces, tinned ravioli/macaroni cheese, biscuits, coffee, sugar, cooking oil, toothpaste, washing-up liquid and household cleaning/laundry products.

This year our Harvest charity is WaterAid 
You can give via our JustGiving page:


Harvest invitation 2024.pdf


Memorial Service

imageEveryone is welcome to join us at the Community Centre on Sunday 3rd November at 4pm to remember those who have died.  

Please do if you would like to remember loved ones by having their names read out in this service.

Remembrance Sunday

imageThis year, Remembrance Sunday is 10th November.  Our Remembrance Service will take place in Cox Green Community Centre.  Everyone is welcome to join us.  

Christingle Service


This year's Christingle Service is on Sunday 1 December at 4pm.  A Christingle is a reminder of Jesus whose birth we will celebrate at Christmas. We invite you and your family to join us.

Please come from 3.30pm for refreshments and Christingle-making before the service starts at 4pm.  

We look forward to seeing you.