We usually hold Fun Afternoons on Saturdays twice a year: once before Mothering Sunday and again before Harvest Festival.
Mothering Sunday Fun Afternoon
Our Fun Afternoon for Mothering Sunday is on Saturday 29th March from 2-4pm and will include special activities for Mothering Sunday including craft, drama, singing and more!
The theme for our Fun
Afternoon activities will link in with our Mothering Sunday celebrations at the
Church of the Good Shepherd on Sunday 30th March. Those taking part, and
their families, would be welcome at either of our celebrations the next day if
they would like to come. Otherwise, just join us for the Fun Afternoon!
The Fun Afternoon
is especially suitable for children of primary school age. Younger
children are welcome if they are accompanied by their parent, or a guardian who
is over 18 years.
Online registration forms are available via here. If possible, please complete your form by Wednesday 26th March; forms submitted later will be accepted. Children
must be registered in order to come. There is a
nominal charge of £1 per child towards the costs of hall hire and running the
day. Additional donations are very welcome.
Just complete and submit the registration form to join us for a fun-filled afternoon!