Church of England

Sep 2023










27 Aug
10:00 Parish Eucharist
28 Aug
08:45 Morning Prayer via Zoom
29 Aug
08:45 Morning Prayer via Zoom
30 Aug
08:45 Morning Prayer via Zoom
31 Aug
08:45 Morning Prayer via Zoom
10:00 Midweek Communion
14:00 New Horizons Bereavement Support Group Meeting
01 Sep
02 Sep
03 Sep
10:00 10am Parish Eucharist
04 Sep
08:45 Morning Prayer via Zoom
05 Sep
08:45 Morning Prayer via Zoom
12:30 Luncheon Club
06 Sep
08:45 Morning Prayer via Zoom
09:30 Little Fishes
07 Sep
08:45 Morning Prayer via Zoom
08 Sep
09 Sep
10 Sep
10:00 Parish Eucharist
11 Sep
08:45 Morning Prayer via Zoom
12 Sep
08:45 Morning Prayer via Zoom
12:30 Luncheon Club
13 Sep
08:45 Morning Prayer via Zoom
14 Sep
08:45 Morning Prayer via Zoom
14:00 New Horizons Bereavement Support Group Meeting
15 Sep
16 Sep
17 Sep
10:00 Parish Eucharist
18 Sep
08:45 Morning Prayer via Zoom
19 Sep
08:45 Morning Prayer via Zoom
12:30 Luncheon Club
20 Sep
08:45 Morning Prayer via Zoom
09:30 Little Fishes
21 Sep
08:45 Morning Prayer via Zoom
10:00 Midweek Communion
20:00 Young People's Ministry Team Harvest meeting via Zoom
22 Sep
23 Sep
24 Sep
10:00 Parish Eucharist
25 Sep
08:45 Morning Prayer via Zoom
26 Sep
08:45 Morning Prayer via Zoom
12:30 Community Praise
12:30 Luncheon Club
20:00 PCC Meeting via Zoom
27 Sep
08:45 Morning Prayer via Zoom
09:30 Little Fishes
28 Sep
08:45 Morning Prayer via Zoom
10:00 Midweek Communion
14:00 New Horizons Bereavement Support Group Meeting
29 Sep
30 Sep
01 Oct
10:00 Harvest Festival for All Ages
18:00 Harvest Songs of Praise
02 Oct
08:45 Morning Prayer via Zoom
14:00 Bible Book Club via Zoom - afternoon group
19:30 Bible Book Club via Zoom - evening group
03 Oct
08:45 Morning Prayer via Zoom
12:30 Luncheon Club
04 Oct
08:45 Morning Prayer via Zoom
05 Oct
08:45 Morning Prayer via Zoom
10:00 Midweek Communion
06 Oct
07 Oct