Church of England

Week of Accompanied Prayer

Coming soon!

Early in 2021, we will be offering to members of All Saints, St Luke’s, and our church, what is known as ‘A Week of Accompanied Prayer’. Clergy are expected to take an annual Retreat. It is seen as essential to sustaining ministry – just having time away from the parish to spend with God. Many people simply do not have the resources of time or money to go away on retreat.

What is a Week of Accompanied Prayer?

The Week of Accompanied Prayer gives people a retreat experience, where they live, enabling them to be guided in prayer, whilst in the routine of everyday life. This should mean that whether you are working full-time or part-time, caring for young children or for a spouse, partner or family member, or are restricted due to ill-health or incapacity - you may still be able to take part and benefit from this experience.

The Church leaders from the 3 churches will also be taking part. This means that we too, will need to make time for all that is required.

What will be expected of me?

imageThose who take part will be encouraged to spend half an hour in prayer each day for five days of the week. They will also meet up with someone for half an hour each day who will act as their ‘Prayer Companion’. Those who come in to act as Prayer Companions will not be from any of our churches. The conversations you have one-to-one with them will be kept confidential. Your Prayer Companion will guide you through the five days – giving suggestions for prayer and Bible reading tailored to your needs – and will be praying for you.


How will it help me?

You may feel your prayer needs refreshing, and want to have a go at a new way of praying; you may need some help just to get yourself into a regular rhythm of prayer; perhaps you really struggle with prayer, and just don’t know where to  start – your Prayer Companion can help you. I am really looking forward to this opportunity, and I hope you will too. We will be telling you more over the months to come.

Comments from people who have experienced a Week of Accompanied Prayer:

image ‘I was apprehensive about joining the Week, but it turned out to be very helpful – I’ve never been listened to in this way before and felt so encouraged in my relationship with God’.

‘Life is very busy, and I wasn’t sure of committing so much time to the Week. It’s the best thing I have done in a long time – listening to God, to myself, and slowing down…I intend to make some changes’.

‘I wasn’t sure what to expect of the chat with the prayer companion…. but I felt at ease during the week and able to share some of the difficult parts of my life’.

‘Brilliant week – not judged, not too churchy – just felt I could be me.’ (17-year-old)

Please do take up this opportunity if you can. I am sure it will prove to be a great blessing to us all.
